We support busy mystery shoppers
Report writing for busy mystery shoppers so they can be more productive and efficent
What We Do Is Not Just Writing
We make sure your reports stand out and ensure you will get more work for the companies you work for
Well-written reports = more work for you and for us = WIN WIN
Report Writing
We complete your shopper reports based on the audio or video recording you provide us.
Video editing
We ensure your videos are good audio and video quality and convert formats to MP3 and MP4, if necessary.
Editor and Shopper Education and Training
We provide training videos for new shoppers and editors looking to get into the industry.
Contact Us
Please reach out for a quote or if you want to work with us as an editor.
You can email us directly at contact@editingexcellence.co or call or text us at 704-444-0127
We will reply within 48 hours
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